How to set up tips on streamlabs
How to set up tips on streamlabs

This doesn’t require your PayPal password, and once the email is entered into the field, your account will be ready to receive donations from viewers. You can enter the email address associated with the account on the following screen. The easiest way to get your donation link up and running is by connecting it to your PayPal account. StreamLabs is a major and legitimate service, so you don’t have to worry about the misuse of your information. Sign in, and it will connect the two accounts - you can also determine the minimum donation you can receive, choose what currency you receive, suggested donation amounts, and much more. If you have not already linked a Twitch account, you’ll be given the option to do so. Go to the Donation Settings page on StreamLabs, select Methods, and follow the instructions to set up select your preferred payment option.

how to set up tips on streamlabs

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How to set up tips on streamlabs